A Place Partnership for Sandwell
In early 2022 Sandwell Cultural Education Partnership want to bring together a bid to Arts Council England's Place Partnership Fund. We want to develop a strategic place-based partnership to support the creative capacities of children and young people in Sandwell and we would love to hear from you.
We held our first roundtable discussion via zoom to explore the opportunity.
Our second roundtable discussion will be held on Wednesday 16th February 1-2.30pm - please book your place via Eventbrite here.
To inform those discussions please tell us about the ideas, programmes and projects you might add to the mix. These do not need to be set in stone, or fixed but do need to focus on projects that create opportunities for children and young people to experience and engage with cultural and creative activity.
For all enquiries please email Heddwen - here.
Read the Arts Council England Place Partnership Fund - here.